Audio Files



Dates are mostly release dates. If the release date & recording date vary by more than a year, then the earliest date is given as in Our First Record by Oregon (LP recorded 1970 but released in 1980). Parentheses indicate alternate titles, translations, director, choreographer, & artist or other info. Compilation means entire music recording is of previously released material. Information is listed this way to provide both a chronological recording documentation along with current availability of recordings.

Collin Walcott's name is frequently spelled wrong on some recordings/publications as "Colin" and/or "Wolcott."

For the Stephen Roane & Irwin Bazelon LPs, the cuts with Walcott are on the compilation CDs so the CD info is listed in the main body, while the earlier LPs are in the compilation section (because of CD availability vs. out of print LPs). On the Larry Coryell compilation, Walcott's name appears on both LP and CD covers but only the LP includes 1 cut with Walcott (originally released on The Restful Mind.) On Beyond Words Walcott's photo appears on cover but he is not on the CD. Ecotopia & Always, Never, and Forever include Walcott compositions.

On the Alan Lorber CD The Lotus Palace, Lorber was producer/arranger and wrote the CD notes describing that Walcott was used on the Orpheus & Chamaeleon Church recordings. According to this CD’s notes, it is mentioned that Walcott was used on sessions for the group Ultimate Spinach. This has been clarified with Alan Lorber via phone. Collin Walcott was not used on any Ultimate Spinach recordings. Walcott was used on one tune of the Chamaeleon Church LP (sitar & tabla) and several on the Orpheus LP (tabla, sitar, and tamboura) and on most of the Bobby Callender LP Rainbow. Besides the Lorber and Callender recordings, his name does not appear on the LP credits. No one is credited with these sitar, tamboura & tabla performances on original LPs. It is Walcott on the Orpheus & Church LPs/CDs (as mentioned in Lotus Palace notes). The tunes with Walcott are: "Never In My Life," "Music Machine," (tamboura on both) and “The Dream” (sitar & tabla) - Orpheus & “Off With The Old” - Chamaeleon Church both available on compilation CDs listed. I have confirmed Walcott’s involvement on these 4 recordings with Orpheus lead singer Bruce Arnold & producer Alan Lorber via phone interview.
-N. Scott Robinson

© 2003. All rights reserved to the Collin Walcott Family